Inside-Out: A Revolutionary Design Concept by Nima Rahimiha and Mohammad Hossein Naghibi

Unveiling the Dual Perspectives of Life through TEDx Visual Identity

Inside-Out, a unique visual identity design for TEDx University of Guilan, offers a fresh perspective on life's complexities. Conceived by Nima Rahimiha and Mohammad Hossein Naghibi, the design uses color filters to present dual perspectives of a single subject, a concept that earned it the prestigious Silver A' Design Award in 2018.

The inspiration for Inside-Out stemmed from the TEDx vision of exploring the world through innovative ideas. The design targets the color red, TEDx's original identity color, as a filter to present two different perspectives of one subject. This technique aims to simplify complex subjects and provide a clearer, more coherent view from a different angle, aligning with TEDx's mission to offer a holistic view of both the inner and outer worlds of a subject.

Inside-Out was designed to interact with the audience about the subject matter and the main theme. The client's brief required a design that offered a new outlook and transcended conventional designs. The challenge was to integrate the context of inner and outer worlds in one comprehensible and aesthetically pleasing poster.

The design was realized through various mediums, including posters of various dimensions, regular prints for stationary items, stickers for the venue, an agenda booklet for the event's programs, and a website designed for larger outreach. The same design concept of Inside-Out was represented in the overall layout of the webpage.

The design works by using a red transparent plastic cover for attendees to filter the light by colors. This process simplifies a complex visual subject to show the concept of Inside-Out. By eliminating all colors and drawing focus to the main topic on the red cover, something complex becomes simpler to understand. This process engaged the audience by allowing them to experience the perception of inner and outer meanings dynamically.

The project design started in April 2017 and was finished in June 2017. It was officially showcased in the TEDx event in Guilan, Iran on July 14, 2017. The crucial aspect of the design was to accommodate two design concepts in one image, with the overall message meant to be understandable with or without the red filter.

The Inside-Out project was awarded Silver in A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2018. This award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Nima Rahimiha
Image Credits: Nima Rahimiha
Project Team Members: Nima Rahimiha Mohammad Hossein Naghibi
Project Name: TEDxUniversityofGuilan
Project Client: Nima Rahimiha

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